Where do you want to go today?
A couple of years ago computer giant Microsoft used the above phrase as a tagline in an advertising campaign. Selling which product, I can't remember, but the expression stayed with me. Where do you want to go? Sure, it's a bit dull -- like something a high school guidance conselor might ask when he or she got tired of saying "what do you want to be when you grow up?..." -- but here at the start of the summer road trip season, I'll use it for my own oddball purpose.
Where do you want to go today? For June, how about a trip to Yellowstone National Park, one of the all-time must-see American vacation spots. Or for something a bit more unusual, just in time for the summer solstice on June 21st, try Carhenge, an only-in-America recreation of the the ancient druidical monument Stonehenge. (This one, in the rolling Sand Hills of northwest Nebraska, about 400 miles from Yellowstone via scenic US-20, is made not of huge stones but of even bigger objects--massive old gas-guzzling American cars! Above picture courtesy of visitnebraska.org )
I've put a monthly hit-list of these and other great road trips up on our Road Trip USA website, at a tab called Road Trip Almanac, so check them out and hit the road!
Happy Travels...
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