La Dolce Vita on Route 66

Hello Jamie,
I'm Paolo from Italy and last summer I had a wonderful road trip on Route 66 with four friends. I just wanted to thank you because your Route66 book was of big help on the road (and actually also in the previous weeks\months to get us hyped!), and I still visit and appreciate the website. Actually I would love to make another road trip in the US this summer, but I still have to find the right trip-mates and to choose the right trip - I have to admit that after our practically perfect Route 66 vacation everything looks second-choice now!
In case you or your readers might be interested, here you can find some of the pictures that I took:
and here a little video that I made with the driving footage along the road:
(actually I have 3-4 more videos, but there's people appearing and talking on them, so I didn't put them on YouTube. In case you might be interested, just let me know!)
But - I didn't write you to showcase my pictures or videos. My first and only goal was to thank you.
So thanks, and good luck with everything.
Hello Paolo from Italy --
Thank you for your very nice note -- I am very glad to hear my Road Trip USA book helped you to have such a great trip!
I will check out your photos and videos as soon as I can, and am glad you've said it's OK for me to show them or link to them on my blog / website / Facebook page? It looks like you had a great trip, and your pictures might inspire others to "get some kicks" on Route 66.
( I am still pretty stupid about all this digital social media, but think other readers and travelers might enjoy them ! )
So anyway, "molto grazie" for writing to me, and rest assured: Route 66 is only the most famous 2000 miles of the many millions of great American highways that are all over the USA, just waiting for you to drive them. So I trust you will have many more perfect vacations ahead of you!
Happy Trails,
Jamie Jensen
Road Trip USA
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