Lonely Road Memories

Hi Jamie:
A year or so ago, my wife bought me "Road Trip USA." The book is great, and we've taken some of these trips. To tell you a story: Quite a few years ago, a friend and I traveled highway 50 from Salt Lake to California. We just wanted to take a road that cut across Nevada and seemed faster. We didn't know it was the loneliest road. Well, it was. There were quite a few hours that we would see one car. This was in the days before cell phones and GPS. If we had broken down out there, we would have been in trouble. But, we had a great time. We made it across safely, and we still talk about it. And, this was in the days before speed limits in Nevada. We made some good time, but talk about lonely.
Thanks again for your book. It's a great reference book.
Dear Robert --
Many thanks for your very nice note -- I am very pleased you have enjoyed my book, and I too have fond memories of the days before GPS and cell phones. The Loneliest Road is one of my favorite drives -- hope to see you out there, some day.
In the meantime, "Happy Trails," and thanks again for writing in!
-- Jamie Jensen
Road Trip USA
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